
Good morning, good evening, or good night (depending on the time of day you find yourself stumbling upon my blog). My name is Erin Nicole and I am a recent college graduate of Gonzaga University hailing from the most irrelevant town in the greater Los Angeles area: Moorpark, California. Never heard of it? Lets just call it the annoying little sister of Thousand Oaks and the distant cousin of Westlake Village.

I have started my journey of creative writing through my blog to cope with the loss of my college years and my transition into moving home with my parents- yuck. I wish to document my journey of entering into the real world with a bit of humor and goodwill.

With the completion of my Bachelor of Arts Degree majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Political Science from Gonzaga University in May 2017, I am a determined individual and eager to gain professional experience in my field. Having been involved and engaging in athletics while growing up, I have a great love of sports. I am also extremely interested in politics and current events. I obtain a strong sense of self and a competitive edge that I believe will help me succeed in future careers and the organizations I work for.

Standing at a total of 5’00”, my small stature does not parallel my big personality and unending determination to succeed. I will run marathons upon request, move to North Dakota randomly, talk way too loud and miss a flight occasionally (or a lot). Nevertheless I will never cease to work hard to accomplish my goals and overcome my fears.

My name is Erin Nicole. I am rowdy, diligent, unapologetically and overwhelmingly Erin. Get to know me!